PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall


Greetings, It has come to our attention that material considered a hate crime in Canada is reaching some of our congregations this week. We are saddened to note that this is coming during a time when we are preparing to celebrate the arrival of the Christ in our midst. The hate mail received this week has included a letter with disturbing messages and a USB key. It has come from the United States and may have a Customs declaration that it is a “gift.” If you receive mail that you suspect to be...

  Today I sent an email to staff titled, "Behold I bring you good news of great joy." I acknowledged that my news did not rival that announced by the angel choir but it was good news. It is also good news for our regional councils that Rev. Mark Laird has offered himself as our next Executive Minister. Mark has been engaged with our regional councils from the first meeting of the Transition Teams, so knows what has guided our leaders as they sought to be church in a new way. The goal was...

SCAM ALERT: Some congregations have recently received a scam email demanding payment by December 31st under threat of the loss of a particular service or coverage like insurance.   Please check any such demand directly with your provider before ever transferring funds to urgent types of emails or phone calls such as the above scam (do not reply to the sent email – telephone or create a new email to verify the validity of any requests).   Be safe online!   [Photo: Markus Spiske...

  Merry Christmas! I am filled with expectation and hope for this Advent and Christmas as I write to you on this snowy December evening. The glowing lights twinkle on in houses and churches all around. They are reminders to us of the warmth, light and comfort offered each one of us as we draw closer to the wonder of the humble birth of Emmanuel — God with us. Our faith in the One who is with us — through every joy and challenge of this life — gives us strength and courage as we seek to share...

Published On: December 7, 2023 The General Council Executive approved the appointment of the Rev. Mark Laird as Regional Council Executive Minister, Western Ontario Waterways, Horseshoe Falls, and Antler River regional councils, at its meeting November 17‒18, 2023. Mark will begin his new appointment March 1, 2024. The approval followed the recommendation of the General Secretary and the search team. The selection panel to recruit the new Executive Minister included the presidents of the three...

Important Changes Regarding Payment of Pastoral Charge Supervisors In The United Church of Canada, Pastoral Charge Supervisors (PCS) play a vital role in ensuring that communities of faith without a called/appointed minister can continue to make decisions and pass the motions needed to carry out their ministry. Pastoral Charge Supervisors are also required when the minister is a Candidate or an Applicant for Admission to The United Church of Canada. Not only do the PCS attend meetings of the...

Prepare to Vote: Remit Q&A Session (Online) with Thérèse Samuel and John Egger Wednesday January 17, 2024 7:00-8:30 PM For Pastoral Charges ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Click here to register. Please prepare and submit your questions in advance: PREPARE for the Q&A Session: We ask that all participants have previously participated in an education workshop...

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