PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

Refugee Advisory Network (Tri Regional RAN) Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils are offering support and resources to Communities of Faith in their ministry of refugee sponsorship. We want to celebrate and encourage the immense contributions and dedication our church communities have provided as safe havens for vulnerable refugees around the world. We want to help support this ministry by offering connection and resources.  As rewarding as this work can be, we are also aware that it requires great energy and long hours of work.  There is a steep learning curve and lots of struggles to overcome but a concrete opportunity to be Christ in the world.

Helpful Links

If you have questions, stories and/or needs the Refugee Advisory Network can address, please reach out to the staff support persons.  Kdouglas@united-church.ca or JEgger@united-church.ca

Refugee Advisory Network ( RAN )


The Tri Regional Refugee Advisory Network (RAN) met on June 13, 2023 for the first time. Would anyone wish to be part of a steering team for the ongoing work of Tri Regional RAN to help with continued connecting, supporting and providing resources?  Contact staff Jegger@united-church.ca  and/or Kdouglas@united-church.ca with interest. 

Ongoing meetings of Tri Regional RAN would include check in and updates, resource sharing and mutual support.  We hope to create a data base of Communities of Faith who are involved in refugee sponsorships as well. 

Let us,  “Talk to each other/learn from each other” (B Sheffield)

Hopes and Goals

Specific hopes that a Tri Regional Refugee Advisory Network could address:

Burn out for those doing the work of refugee sponsorship.  Help with being asked ‘all the time’ to take more sponsorships.  Very difficult to say ‘no’ and/or to say ‘yes’.  How can we bring the needs of Refugee Sponsorship and a broader understanding and more equitable treatment of all those needing settlement to our church more effectively?  The church needs to articulate and speak for better consideration to all parts of the refugee experience. Support and advocacy could be the key goals of this group.

John Egger

John Egger

Partner Program Director at Five Oaks / Minister, Social Justice for Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils

Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 2068
Email: JEgger@United-Church.ca

John was raised in Calgary. He has a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Emmanuel College at the University of Toronto. His dissertation was on Paul’s use of the Hagar/Sarah motif in his letter to the Galatians and how it has been spun in the history of interpretation. This was a kind of case study into how biblical texts have been (i.e., can be) misread in the history of the church and the dangers thereof.

Kathy Douglas

Kathy Douglas


Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 5
Cell: 519-441-0656
Email: KDouglas@united-church.ca

Kathy works with children, youth and young adults, supporting them in various programs and faith-forming events. Many youth are nurtured into leadership roles. Kathy also works with camps and United Church Women groups.


Private Refugee Sponsorship Network (PRSN) https://refugeesponsornet.ca/ is responding to the need to connect and share experiences and resources among private groups doing refugee sponsorships in Ontario.  This provincial network of 500 sponsorship groups, operates with no public funding and offers many programs and workshops that help.  PRSN offer concrete help for sponsorships in the post settlement period… addressing basic needs (housing and literacy) to skills/social supports for refugees and their sponsors. Perhaps one of the most effective offering PRSN offers is a “Since you Asked”  section in their newsletter.  Check out their website, ask to receive their newsletter and receive invites to their webinars. https://refugeesponsornet.ca/connections/

Some settlement agencies and organizations that are also helpful:

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