YAT Forum 2022

YAT Forum
Community Retreat Ages 19 and Up
Long walks to the dining hall… Gracefully launching yourself down the rolling hills…
Desperately trying to shake that catchy worship tune… Running into the arms of people you haven’t seen in years…or ever…or yesterday!
…Sounds awe-inspiring, fairytale- esque, a utopian dream!
But hold up!!! This is not a drill! YAT Forum (Young Adults Together) is coming to a Pearce Williams Christian Center near you (actually its located in Iona Station)!! Never been to adult overnight camp? Desperate for arts and crafts? Need space to connect with the divine, nature or yourself!? For those who are 19+, come be Re-United in worship, fellowship and the quietness of creation from April 29th- May 1, 2022. All recent covid guidelines will be followed during the weekend.
Visit our website youthrallyucc.wixsite.com/mysite
Participant Letter
Packing List

Kathy Douglas
Minister Faith Formation
Phone: 226-407-4308
Cell: 519-441-0656
Email: KDouglas@united-church.ca
Kathy works with children, youth and young adults, supporting them in various programs and faith-forming events. Many youth are nurtured into leadership roles. Kathy also works with camps and United Church Women groups.
Serves in: Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from home and spends time in the regional council.
Role: Kathy encourages and connects communities of faith with matters of faith and justice and the regional council in youth and young adult ministry and matters of faith formation..
Contact Kathy about: Camping & Campus Chaplaincy Ministries; Faith Formation- Children, Youth, Young Adult and Adult Christian Education; Social and Eco-Justice Ministries; Mission & Support Grants, Support to Pastoral Care Teams and Music Ministry Leadership: United Church Women (UCW) and resource to the Discipleship & Justice Commission.