PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

United Church Women

To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the church and to provide a medium through which we may express our loyalty and devotion of Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship and service.

Any woman “willing to contribute her prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the Church” may join the United Church Women (UCW). Along with providing important networking and social bonding opportunities, the UCW has led discussions on, for example, feminism and restorative justice. Indeed, says former Moderator Jordan Cantwell, United Church Women are the “hands and feet” of the church.

News & Upcoming Events













Executive of United Church Women of Western Ontario Waterways


General Email ucw.wow@gmail.com
Chair Anne Reuber
Treasurer Joyce Osborne
Secretary Eleanor Firth
Communications Mary Hawthorne
Rep to Executive Edith Coyle
National UCW Rep Anne Reuber & Edith Coyle
Member At-Large Barbara Seaton
Member At-Large Margot White
Member At-Large Eileen Townsend
Member At-Large Joan Whyte
Member At-Large Jacquie Diverty
Member At-Large Nancy Lennox
Email Distribution Dianne Bender


WOW – UCW 2023 AGM – held in April 2024

2024 Annual Report UCW WOW

A Step Forward

Must see videos of lovely virtual gatherings of the United Church Women of Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls, and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils.

“Climate Motivators. The Church at Work”Live Stream from Calvary United Church, St. Jacobs, ONSaturday November 4 2023Singing starts about 13 minutes in, Climate motivator introduction about 50 minutes in.Initial art created by:  Oscar Protic  (World in hands) and Vivienne Carriero (Mother Earth holding the world)Music: One License # A 740450

four standing youth named kyla, jackson, sifa and connor in the background is a wall with a picture, these people are climate motivators
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