Highlights of the Fall Meeting
“Resurrected not Resuscitated”
President Mark Laird’s theme, “Resurrected Not Resuscitated” came to life in the opening session as participants entered into the chat what brings them joy, and lifted their symbol of new life for a final screenshot. Technical issues prevented small groups on Friday evening but the problem was resolved for the Saturday sessions ensuring regional council representatives had time to talk with one another.
The first opportunity for representatives to connect on Saturday morning focused on how their congregation was acknowledging the land and their experience of the journey towards reconciliation.
Later in the day, there was a presentation outlining the ways representatives can become involved in the life and work of the regional council. The PowerPoint outlining resource pool roles, that is short-term roles with a specific focus, can be found here:
Resource Pools
If interested in more details, please contact the Commission Chair. Their email can be found at www.wowrcucc.ca under the About tab. Hover over Commissions and the three Commissions will appear. Hover over any Commission and a link to the leadership including contact information will appear.
The Mission and Discipleship Commission profiled the different ministries they support and the work they engage. Then they invited the regional council into small groups to name “What Mission and Discipleship is to you?” The answers were entered into a word cloud.

WordCloud image from the WOW Regional Council Meeting on Saturday
The Human Resources Commission profiled their purpose: the forming and sustaining of healthy pastoral relationships, providing information on United Fresh Start as one tool for this. This Commission also oversees the accreditation of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWL). An introduction to the role of an LLWL was provided by Marion Boyd and a slide show introducing the LLWLs previously recognized by a Presbytery and now serving throughout the regional council was shared:
Licensed Lay Worship LeadersAny community of faith needing the pulpit supply list and list of LLWLs is asked to reach out to Minister, Pastoral Relations, Diane Blanchard at dblanchard@united-church.ca
The Covenant Commission had a playful quiz. Questions and answers—10 things EVERY congregation in WOW should know. The link below will open part-way through the video at 3:01:40, where the quiz from the Covenant Commission begins.
On Saturday, info on Stewardship was presented by Dave Jagger, Stewardship and Gifts Officer:
Stewardship Video Presentation
Many thanks to worship leaders Sue Campbell, Heather Davies, and Lynda Goy-Flint who, along with President Mark, led us in prayer and reflection. Special thanks to Drayton U.C. musicians, Mary Lou Fletcher, Randy Smart, and Rick Richardson for leading our music. The congregation of Melville U.C. in Fergus made the regional council most welcome for the Celebration of Ministries service. Congratulations to new ordinand, Gavin Williams, serving at Parkview U.C., Stratford and to newly admitted minister, Rev. Young Seo, serving in Alma. Rev. Seo joins the United Church from our partner, The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea.
The Celebration of Ministry livestream is available to view on YouTube!
Tim Blair, CEO of United Property Resource Corporation (UPRC), shared an inspiring video on the work of UPRC. To learn more, visit www.uprc.ca Congregations discerning how best to use their property to support mission are encouraged to have early conversations with Minister, Congregational Support and Mission, John Neff, to help clarify vision and goals. UPRC can be reached at info@uprc.ca
The fall meeting of the regional council had two main foci:
- Business and accountability;
- Proposals to General Council 44.
The regional council received one proposal for GC44 asking for a change in the Extended Development Leave for Regional and General Council staff to allow for rest and renewal as well as for learning. The regional council agreed with this, passing it on to GC44 with the additional comment that it was surprised this was not already a provision of the policy.
Many thanks to Treasurer, Brent Caslick, who reviewed our finances to June 30th and our budget for 2022. It was agreed that PWC would conduct our 2021 audit.
We look forward to gathering in the spring. The regional council has reserved space at the UNIFOR Family Education Centre in Port Elgin in hopes of an in-person meeting. This will depend on public health advice re large gatherings at that time. We’ll keep you posted! Regional council representatives are encouraged to share their experience of the meeting with the governing body or the congregation as a whole.
May we live into the promise President Mark’s theme offers and let ourselves be made new!
The full recording can be viewed on YouTube:
More Video Highlights
Retirees In Memoriam and Community of Faith Changes Human Resources Commission Presentation Covenant Commission Presentation