PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

Category: UCW

Is your church or ministry doing something new or exciting to grow your faith, reach out to the community, or seek justice for people or creation? Don’t just be quiet about it! Let us know, so we can share the good news with others in the regional council. Click to fill in the form: Story Sharing of Faith Formation, Justice and Outreach Activities - https://forms.office.com/r/cb4c1PR8Q3 God is doing so much in and through our churches. Let us celebrate and encourage one another by sharing...

Flourishing: Antler River, Western Ontario Waterways, and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils Spend a day with the Moderator, engaging in reflection and energizing activities towards dream-oriented actions for our churches and communities. Saturday, February 22, 2025, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (local time). 9:00am -9:30am Registration and coffee/tea 9:30am – Welcome and Introductions In person Avondale United Church, 194 Avondale Ave., Stratford, ON N5A 6N4 All around the world – from universities to...

We’re trying something new. We’re introducing an Ask An Expert series in partnership with the General Council Office. You ask the questions, and we’ll provide the expertise. Who are the experts? Well, it depends on the topic and staff availability. Maybe you want to know more about the insurance partnership between the GCO and Communities of Faith. Or what you do when the local newspaper calls (or when you want to get a good story out). Or what the new government relations officer does. Or...

Welcome Mark Laird, Executive Minister to Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils and a Lenten message. Send messages of welcome to MLaird@United-Church.ca https://youtu.be/UJCDM_QbTDM

Details we know so far: Time will be designated for each individual Regional Council to meet separately. Each Regional Council will be electing their GC45 Commissioners, President Elect and slate of Executive/Commission members. Friday May 24: 2 PM start & Friday evening The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne will speak Saturday, May 25: All day. Includes Celebration of Ministries Service in the afternoon Sunday, May 26: 9 AM to Noon: Includes Honouring of Retirees, Jubilands, In Memoriam,...

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