Wordle for Mission
by Michele | May 9, 2022 | Affirming, Anti-Racism, Community, Learning Opportunities, Mission & Service, News, Online Gathering, Regional Council, Resources, Social Justice, The United Church of Canada

Dear Friends, It is that time of year again …. Spring Regional Council Meeting time yay!!! Now that we have moved to two regional council meetings a year, this allows us to have more of a focus at each meeting that fits the time of year better. The fall meeting is a time to look at financials and to do things like honour retirees, while the spring meeting lets us elect members to our different Commissions and Executive and this year a President-Elect, as well. Because we can spread out the...
Tri Regional UCW of Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils met on Saturday, February 12th, 2022. Enjoy the video of the event and stay connected. Contact Kathy Douglas for information on future UCW events.
Do you wish to engage others in your passion for the environment and take actions for climate change. Here is an invitation to Facilitate Climate Conversations with some helpful training. Check out this opportunity. For more information contact Kdouglas@united-church.ca For the Love of Creation will be offering a Facilitator Training Session for the Faithful Climate Conversations Two dates: Saturday, February 12 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST...
Conversation Café Bereavement Support Group Trained facilitators lead six (6) consecutive Tuesday evening sessions. The purpose of the group is to provide: A place to meet others who have had a similar grief experience A safe, small, supportive community Information about loss and grief Opportunities to learn new ways of approaching living again A place to encounter new growth and balance after a death loss To learn more and to register contact: Jan Temple-Jones at...
The Islington United Church Anti-Racism Working Group is pleased to present a free speaker series in January 2022 on Racism in the Church, designed to educate ourselves and help us take action on racism within our church, the community, and the wider Canadian context. We hope you will join us. For more information and to register: islingtonunited.org