PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

Author: Michele

Kevin Steeper and Kate Ballagh-Steeper in Northern Scotland Kevin Steeper our Pastoral Support Minister has accepted a call with the Eramosa pastoral charge effective April 1st, 2025. For the last six years Kevin has served and supported our Regional Councils in this unique role with grace, prayer and confidentiality.  His dedication to this important work has been seen and felt by many through emails, phone calls, visits, clergy gatherings and luncheons. As a staff team we're not sure what...

Ontario Election 2025: More than Tariffs A panel discussion Sunday Feb 23, 3:00-4:15 PM EST on Zoom Information to help you faithfully discern your vote and continue advocacy after the Feb 27th election. Brief presentations by five panel members on selected topics. Panelists will respond to questions from the audience. Advance registration required: https://united-church.zoom.us/meeting/register/Pfy-0rDhQt-l-V5KqspFkw For more information contact: Thérèse Samuel tsamuel@united-church.ca and...

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