PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

Category: News

STEWARDSHIP ONLINE EVENT: Good News: How to Share the Impact of your Ministry Learn how to inspire current and potential donors with the story of your ministry, project or outreach initiative Hear how to tell your story when reporting to grant organizations or applying for a grant Inspire other communities of faith as we share the good news of God at work in our regions Session will include examples of inspiring stories from right here in our regions as well as time for discussion and Q&A....

Details we know so far: Time will be designated for each individual Regional Council to meet separately. Each Regional Council will be electing their GC45 Commissioners, President Elect and slate of Executive/Commission members. Friday May 24: 2 PM start & Friday evening The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne will speak Saturday, May 25: All day. Includes Celebration of Ministries Service in the afternoon Sunday, May 26: 9 AM to Noon: Includes Honouring of Retirees, Jubilands, In Memoriam,...

  Today I sent an email to staff titled, "Behold I bring you good news of great joy." I acknowledged that my news did not rival that announced by the angel choir but it was good news. It is also good news for our regional councils that Rev. Mark Laird has offered himself as our next Executive Minister. Mark has been engaged with our regional councils from the first meeting of the Transition Teams, so knows what has guided our leaders as they sought to be church in a new way. The goal was...

SCAM ALERT: Some congregations have recently received a scam email demanding payment by December 31st under threat of the loss of a particular service or coverage like insurance.   Please check any such demand directly with your provider before ever transferring funds to urgent types of emails or phone calls such as the above scam (do not reply to the sent email – telephone or create a new email to verify the validity of any requests).   Be safe online!   [Photo: Markus Spiske...

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