PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

Author: Michele

'The Basics': Ministry & Personnel Committee Workshops Online by Zoom, Upcoming dates: October 3rd, December 5th, February 6th, April 3rd 2-4pm with Micol Cottrell, Minister, Pastoral Relations   Ordered ministers and designated lay ministers while in paid accountable ministry positions are office holders within The United Church of Canada. While there may be elements similar to employment, the essential nature of the relationship is a covenant. ~ Statement on Ministry in The United Church...

Ask An Expert - Answer Session: ❓❓❓ Join us on Wednesday evening for a special one hour Zoom event. Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 from 7-8pm We've been asked some great questions over the summer, come and hear the answers! 👂👂👂 Some of the experts include Mark Laird, Executive Minister, Brenna Baker, Community of Faith Stewarship Support and hosted by Rev. Michelle Owens. All welcome to attend on Zoom at this link...

Greetings Siblings in Christ, It has come to our attention that across-Canada anti-2S-LGBTQIA+ protest marches are to be held on Friday, September 20, 2024. The organization responsible, Hands Off Our Kids (https://handsoffourkids.ca/) states their mission is to:“safeguard children from gender ideology teachings, sexual indoctrination, exposure to explicit sexual content, ensuring that parental consent remains paramount.” They also aim to “protect our children from thought control and will...

Dear WOW Regional Council, We are thrilled to announce that Max Watkinson (they/them) has joined our team at Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council. They bring a wealth of experience and skills to our organization and will be serving as our new Executive Assistant to the regions. Max will provide administrative support to the Executive Minister and resources and provides lead administrative support to the three executives and regional councils....

Looking for continuing education that will grow your understanding of ministry from Indigenous perspectives? Join the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre ministry training students in a learning circle. October-21-25-2024-5-day-registration-form-Wisdom-and-Psalms October-28-31-2024-4-day-registration-form-Prophets-and-Prophecy For more information visit:  sandysaulteaux.ca/events. You can also contact your regional council  Minister for Right Relations and Social Justice, Thérèse Samuel...

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