Jane Smith

Accounts Payable Administrator
Sanctuary Capacity: 240
Meeting Hall Capacity: 136
Break Out Rooms: 7
Large or Commercial Kitchen
- If you require more information please contact this Community of Faith directly.
- The main entrance of the building barrier-free with ground level access.
- There is a secondary entrance that is barrier-free and well-marked.
- There a power door on the entrance that is barrier-free.
- All stories within the building are accessible with an elevator or lift.
- There are one or more washrooms situated on a barrier-free path of travel
- The washrooms have a wheelchair accessible stall or an individual washroom is wheelchair accessible.
- The washroom has an accessible sink, towel dispenser and hand dryer.
- Accessible seating space that is suitable for side transfer.
- Adjacent companion seating.
- Storage space for mobility assistive devices.
- The worship space has a sound amplification system.
- Available hearing assist devices.
- Large print bulletins or projection screens are available
- There is barrier free path to the children’s program.
- Accessible rest or quiet spaces.