PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

Regional Council Executive

President Jennifer Irving email
President Elect Rebekah Duncan  
Treasurer Brent Caslick email
Secretary Dawn Blanchard email
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Diversity Beth Kerr  
Member Heather Leffler  
Member Terry Smith  
Member Andrea Allan  
Indigenous Rep:    
CSC Rep: Ann Harbridge  
DJC Rep: Andrew Hyde  
HRC Rep: Cathy Larmond  
General Email   email

Meetings:  Four meetings per year (September, November, February and April) plus additional electronic meetings as the need arises.


The Regional Council Executive will fulfill the following responsibilities as outlined in The Manual, 2025, Section C.3.1.

The Regional Council Executive will also:

  1. Keep the purpose statement before the region and evaluate the life and work of the region and its commissions against this;
  2. Hold accountable the Congregational Support Commission, Human Resources Commission and Discipleship and Justice Commission for the responsibilities delegated to each respectively;
  3. Deal with any matter referred to it for action by one of these three Commissions;
  4. Oversee the finances of the region including preparing a budget for the consideration of the Regional Council and taking responsibility for the administration of the assessment funds, Mission & Service grants and other resources of the region;
  5. Be accountable for the number and position descriptions of regional staff;
  6. Serve as the Nominating Committee preparing a proposed slate for the consideration of the regional council;
    Work with the Executive Minister to ensure clear and timely communication within the region.
  7. Meet annually with the Executive of the neighbouring Regional Councils served by the same Executive Minister and Executive Assistant;
  8. Facilitate an annual event with the Congregational Support Commission, Human Resources Commission and Discipleship and Justice Commission to focus on purpose and planning.

All members of the Regional Council Executive will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement concerning any information to which they may have access regarding pastoral relationships.


12 Members, plus President, President‐Elect or Past President, Treasurer, and Executive Minister.
To be elected to the Executive by the Regional Council.

A. 5 to be named by office or other

3 – 1 representative from each of the Commissions;
Note:    Commission members are elected by the regional council.
The members of the Commission will name their representative to Executive.
1 representative to be chosen by the Indigenous Ministries who belong to the regional council;

B. Of the remaining 7 positions, 3 are preferred positions:

1 position reserved for a youth or young adult;
1 position to ensure racialized representation;
1 position to represent sexual orientation/gender identity diversity.

Any nominee not elected on the preferred position ballot, including the United Church Women (UCW), will be placed on the ballot for the election of the remaining four positions.

Any groups not named specifically are encouraged to complete an expression of interest through the nomination process.

Nominations will be encouraged in advance of the annual meeting and from the expressions of interest received this way, a slate of nominees will be presented to the regional council for election.

Two key principles will be considered when preparing the list of nominees:

  1. Living into the mandate of diversity adopted by the preceding Conference(s) in the process by which it/they were named an Affirming ministry; and
  2. Supporting the development of leaders by providing opportunities and support.
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