PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | wowrc@united-church.ca
purple stained glass reflecting on a brick wall

Hello, Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council, this is just a little note with a request from your friendly neighbourhood President.

As we are all aware a few years ago The United Church of Canada underwent some serious reorganizing, which created us as WOW. Part of the reason for the reorganizing was to streamline the decision making processes (not requiring the same decision to be approved by multiple bodies at multiple meetings), and to help lift the burden of needing so many volunteers, and using up so much time of the representatives of the Regional Councils.


The challenge (and this is where the request comes in) is that a Regional Council does have a minimum critical mass of volunteers that is needed in order to do the work of the Regional Council. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Human Resources Commission of WOW has reached this minimum critical mass. The Commission is currently running with only 4 members (3 clergy and 1 lay). The second unfortunate aspect is that those who are no longer able to be a part of the HR commission were also serving as liaisons for congregations undergoing the search process for new ministers, so that role now too does not have the support that it needs.


Which leads me to my request. I invite you to prayerfully consider where the Spirit is leading you in helping WOW fulfil it’s ministry to the communities of faith it serves. If you are able please fill out an expression of interest linked below. If you are not able to fill one out for yourself, then please tap someone on the shoulder who you feel has the gifts and skills to help out in either of the two roles that are urgently required….or in another role for WOW. Remember as we heard at the fall meeting you don’t have to be a regional rep to be a liaison or on a commission….maybe there is someone in your community of faith that has the gifts and skills to contribute to the wider church in this way.


I thank you for your continued prayerful thought on this subject, and may the spirit lead us all it be the church the world needs in these coming years.


President Mark Laird
Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council
Click here to fill out your Expression of Interest:
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